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In studio


People learn best in an enjoyable learning environment. My studio is a safe, fun, nurturing and professional atmosphere wherein dedication, and hard work will consistently yield results.


Singing is a thinking-person's endeavor.  It's one of the most complicated brain functions one can undertake. The motor wiring - nerve fibers from the brain to the vocal cords - is denser than any other in the human body. No other function comes close. So, singing at an advanced level is likely the most complex motor task a human can undertake. Perhaps that's why society admires and marvels at singers. Through word pictures, and "shirt-sleeve" communication I take the complex concepts of singing and make it easy for a student to wrap their head around it and bring it to life in their singing.


The relationship between singer and teacher is a partnership. I work best with students who are sincerely committed to learning the fundamental skills of singing, honing vocal craftsmanship to a fine edge, and reaching their full potential.  Successful students are intelligent, disciplined, open to new ideas, tenacious, and motivated. You must be a self-starter with a strong work ethic and perseverance.


Every person, and each voice is unique. One size doesn't fit all.  I tailor my approach to your needs, aspirations, and goals. I've worked with students who sing all forms of music: Classical, Musical Theater, Jazz, and even Rock. But, excellent singing isn't solely a function of your technique and skills. If you wish to become an outstanding singer, you must have the mindset of an outstanding singer. I will work with you to develop what I call "The Performer's Mindset".


One of the worst things you can do is aspire to sound like another singer. It makes absolutely no artistic, or business sense. Worse, you just might injure your voice. I can help discover your real voice, and sing freely and effortlessly. Then, others will want to sound like YOU!

When you develop proper technique and dependable mechanics, we will focus on performance artistry: Phrasing, diction, and the skills that of a polished professional vocal artist. You will learn “tricks of the trade” that will make your singing easier, better, and professional.


I take my work and your goals very seriously. If you do the same I will help you uncover your abilities, guide the development of your voice, assist you in acquiring supportive habits, and acquiring a professional’s mindset. 

Michael Rocchio, Singin Teacher in St. Louis

You will:

  • Understand the workings of your instrument

  • Discover your real, and unique voice

  • Develop enviable tone, and true power without pushing, yelling, or, dare I say it, belting 

  • Have a voice that projects even when singing  softly

  • Learn how to interpret, and artistically perform music that touches the soul of the listener

  • Open up new musical possibilities for yourself

  • Improve your musicianship and polish your musicality

  • Develop the Performer’s Mindset

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